Once winter is over, it can be an eye sore to have brown and dead grass. While your lawn will need time to come back to life and regain its healthy green color, here are some great tips to get it greener faster.
Iron Supplement
Professional lawn care maintenance often use iron supplements to get deep, rich, and healthy green lawns. Add the iron supplement to your lawn and see it start working miracles on the brown winter grass!
Some spots in your lawn are just going to need to be reseeded in order to regain their green color. While most grass just “hibernates” during winter, the cold can often kill the roots to the grass, meaning it won’t spring back to life in winter. Reseed those patches that just aren’t reviving and you should see the issue resolved shortly.
Mowing is essential in making sure the grass gets as many nutrients as possible to get strong and healthy. Start mowing a little earlier than you normally would and start the blade on a higher position than usual. Then, every time you mow, lower the blade as the grass begins growing faster. This will stimulate the blades and make them grow greener and thicker.
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