Take a few separate terracotta pots and attach them together to get a beautiful terracotta tower. You can even paint the pots if you want.
Incorporate a garden pallet into your container garden. They give an awesome rustic feel while also optimizing storage and access.
Take a hollow log and use it for your container garden! It’s all natural and it looks great in the yard and garden.
You can use all sorts of old shoes as great-looking container gardens! You can use rain boots, high heels, or just old sneakers!
Take a wooden barrel and turn it into a gorgeous container garden. It doesn’t require much work and it looks great anywhere in the yard or garden.
Cinderblock container gardens are actually pretty common and, if done right, they can look awesome. You can even add a bit of color by painting the blocks.
Try your artistic skills at container gardening by turning a birdcage into one! I love the hanging plants that really add to the cage!
Take a few of your old hats, spruce them up a bit, and then use them as container gardens! This looks really good along a fence line.
I love the idea of repurposing an old chandelier to become a container garden. It’s just such a cool idea and looks really good!
Take that wagon that none of your kids play with anymore and turn it into a beautiful container garden! Add your favorite plants and flowers to really bring it home!
Who would have thought that an old mailbox could look so good as a container garden? You can hang this up anywhere you want, even inside!
If you have some old kettles sitting around, then you can make a really nice tea-themed container garden in your yard!
This idea is so cute, I think! Taking old paint cans and filling them with plants is not only clever, but it’s a good way to recycle!
If you have enough pipe (and if it’s in good condition) then they can make a really cool looking container garden! I like how it sprawls out to give a really urban jungle feel.
There’s always the classic wheelbarrow container garden that looks good in every yard! Touch up or decorate the wheelbarrow you want, or you can just keep it like normal.
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