If you have a slope on your property, you know they can be difficult to maintain. It can also be a challenge to prevent erosion and navigate the space to access gardens or your outdoor patio. If you have a slope in your yard that you aren’t sure what to do with, here are 10 pathway ideas that are both attractive and functional. Some of these paths for slopes and garden ideas are cheap enough for any budget.
1. Wooden Ramp
If your slope isn’t too long, a ramp may be all you need. Use treated wood with a quality deck stain, or build it out of composite material to make it longer-lasting and maintenance free. This ramp is settled right next to a large flower box.
2. Log Steps
Log cross-section pieces can be stacked like stairs up a slope to make going between yard levels easy. It looks great, too!
3. Stepping Stones
Try creating steps out of flagstones or other flat stones. Put them right in the grass or surround them with boulders and gravel for a more clear-cut pathway.
4. Keystone Pavers
If your slope is a gentle one, you can settle inexpensive keystone pavers in a well-defined trail of pea gravel.
5. Railroad Ties
Inexpensive railroad ties and pea gravel will create an easy-step path up a long slope. The railroad ties will keep the gravel from slipping down.
6. Creek Bed
While not exactly a walkable pathway, creating a dry creek bed on your gentle slope definitely adds interest. Even better if you add a water feature so it runs like a real creek.
7. Cinderblock Steps
These cinderblock steps are an easy outdoor DIY that makes those higher and lower spots in your yard more accessible. Fill the holes with gravel or sand. Now you’re ready to host a summer barbecue!
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