There’s nothing like an easy to grow houseplant to beautify even the grayest of cold winter days! Before winter unleashes its worst chill, let’s prepare for it with 5 easy to grow houseplants that do well in the winter. Winter is known for being the shortest and darkest of days, so houseplants that do well in less light are the houseplants you need to brighten up your home for the season and beyond.
5 Easy To Grow Houseplants That Do Well In The Winter
Home decor these days is all about including the beauty of houseplants. During the winter, plants that tolerate the shorter days, drier air and colder temps are just the easy to grow houseplants we need to help cozy up our indoor days. Here are 5 of my favorites!
- Snake plant is a popular choice for easy to grow houseplants year round. The reason that snake plant is especially great during the winter is because it’s so not needy! If you get busy over the holidays and forget to water it, snake plant will survive just fine. In fact, it’ll still look fantastic on less water and light.
2. Peace Lily is just so pretty, it’s an excellent addition to cold winter days indoors. This plant is happy with a range of medium to low light levels, but the more light it gets the more lovely white flowers it will produce. You only need to check on the Peace Lily once each week, and if it’s dry, water it. It’s a forgiving, easy to grow houseplant.
3. There are several varieties of Aloe Vera, and all of them make excellent houseplants during the winter. Aloe Vera prefers a warm spot inside your home, but don’t put it where warm air will blow directly on it. As a desert plant, Aloe Vera doesn’t like to be watered too much. Let it dry out completely between waterings.
4. Spider Plant prefers indoor temps between 65-75 degrees F, so a warm home during the winter does nicely. This easy to grow houseplant likes indirect light, so don’t set it inside your brightest window. Direct sunlight scorches the leaves of the spider plant. Other than that, keep the soil moist but not wet, and mist it weekly–or keep in it a bathroom. Spider plant likes a bit of humidity!
5. Amaryllis is a popular houseplant during the holidays, because it’s wonderful during the winter! Give it indirect light and keep the soil moist, and this plant will reward you with its showy red blooms right around Christmas time. Pick up an Amaryllis bulb growing kit at Amazon now, and you’ll have blooms in December!
These are my favorite 5 easy to grow houseplants that do well in the winter, and they’re sure to help you avoid the winter gardening blues. What are your favorites?
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