It’s always nice to have some fresh herbs in your yard so you can pick, use, or just smell them whenever you want to. However, it’s sometimes often difficult to find out where to plant them or how to incorporate them into the rest of your garden and yard decorations. No need to worry anymore; here are some great ways that you can use herbs in your landscape to make it look gorgeous!
If you plan on planting herbs to use in your meals, then cut straight to the chase and grow yourself a nice and simple herb garden! This keeps your herbs in a well-organized spot and also adds color and dimension to your backyard. Keep it close to the backdoor so you don’t have to traverse your whole yard to get the herbs you need when cooking.
You don’t need to be gifted with shears or able to shape your bushes into elephants in order to get some nice topiary decorations in your yard. Trim up some of your herbs and make them into smooth and pleasing shapes that you can keep neatly around the yard or patio. This idea adds a touch of art to the practicality of growing herbs.
Ground Covers
Some herbs are for using in food and others are just for getting a nice smell. If your choice is the latter, then try this idea out to add those refreshing fragrances to your yard without having to cause any eyesores at all! Planting herbs between tiles and rocks on the ground can give your yard a rustic look as well!
Border Planting
Because herbs can be so distinct and often accessed, they’re a great choice to grow at the edges of your flowerbeds and planters. Choose a type or color that match your yard while also making it pop with style.
When space is an issue, it’s often helpful to grow plants and herbs in boxes around the patio. Put this idea to use and get a wooden box to home your herbs. This idea acts as great decoration while simultaneously giving you easy access to your herbs.
With Perennials
Herbs often go well with perennials because of their stark colors and great smells. Try lots of different matches and combinations in order to get a feel and smell to your yard that you love!
Herb Wall
Take your herb usage to the walls with an awesome herb wall! Not only does this look awesome and work as a great decoration choice, but it also makes accessing your herbs incredibly easy. You can make an herb wall of any size or dimension. Just do what feels and looks best to you.
Soften Edges
Yards and gardens are supposed to be soft, fuzzy, and comforting, so harsh edges to stairs and patios can be a real buzzkill. Soften the edges with some well-placed herbs that double as air fresheners!
Rock Garden
If you’re going for rustic, then this is your choice. Mix your herbs of choice with a nearly arranged rock garden and you’ll get both an awesome lawn decoration and a great way to display and access your herbs.
Make everyone coming into your garden feel like they’re getting a royal welcome with a great display of fun and colorful herbs! It’s an idea that doesn’t take much time or money but can really take your yard to the next level.
Technically, the herbs aren’t making the path, but they’re creating the space that makes the path. By planting and arranging your herbs smartly, you can get a great looking design to your garden that also serves as an easy path to get in between all your plants.
Colored Container
Don’t just let the herbs and their wonderful smell add to your yard, let their containers give some depth to your backyard as well! Plant the herbs in bright and colorful containers that make the rest of your decorations and furniture pop with life!
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