While new types of medicine and drugs may seem to have all the answers to our physical woes, there are actually tons of herbs that help just as well (or better) with the healing process. Here’s a list of 10 herbs that you can start growing in order to have your own healing herbs on hand.

Cinnamon isn’t just good for adding flavor to hot chocolate. Cinnamon has been proven to help lower blood sugar and some current research shows it may even help lower cholesterol. Taking a one gram capsule is best or a water soluble extract. Don’t take large amounts, though, because it can be harmful.

Coriander is said to help with digestion and other bowel problems. The best way to ingest coriander is to crush the seeds and make a tea out of them (straining the seeds out, of course). Some doctors even believe that coriander may help lower cholesterol as well.

Rosemary is said to help reduce carcinogens when cooking, grilling, or frying any meat at a high temperature. Just marinate the meat in rosemary; it adds flavor and keeps you healthy!

Turmeric, a spice found in curry, is said to ease arthritis pain. Some studies have shown that it also may help prevent colon cancer and Alzheimer’s. The best way to ingest turmeric is to sprinkle it on your food!

Cloves have been proven to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. You can also use them to reduce the pain from a sore tooth. Simply put the clove in your mouth, let it get soft, and then bite into it to release the oils. Keep the clove in your mouth for about 30 minutes to enact its numbing and antibacterial agents.

Did you know you can use ginger to reduce nausea? In fact, some studies have shown that 500 grams of ginger taken every four hours has the same effect as Dramamine! If possible, try to take the ginger 30 minutes before symptoms so it can be as effective as possible.

Garlic has been shown to lower your risk of getting cancer and may also decrease blood pressure. The best way to ingest garlic is to take 1,000 mg extracts or to eat whole clovers on your food.

Nutmeg has some pretty amazing antibacterial properties and some physicians are trying to use it as an antidepressant. It seems that doctors are just beginning to discover the healing powers of nutmeg. Be careful, though, because too much nutmeg can cause poisoning.

Cayenne may have a kick, but it’s also super good for you! Cayenne contains chemicals that are used in tons of medicine for reducing arthritis and muscle pain. It’s also said that cayenne can help treat congestion because it shrinks blood vessels. So, the next time you’re sick and stuffy, put some cayenne on your soup to start feeling better.

Sage is a great natural memory saver. It is also said to help decrease the risk of getting Alzheimer’s. Sage can also help increase your alertness and possibly prevent type 2 diabetes.
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