If you’ve really got a green thumb, then you may be looking for ways to garden even in the winter. While the cold weather can deter some people and plants, there are still ways to garden in the winter. Here are a few tips and tricks to facilitate the process so that you can spend more time in your garden.
Bubble Wrap
It’s okay to have plants outside in pots, but you’ll want to take some extra steps to ensure they stay warm and don’t freeze over. Wrap your pots in bubble wrap (or blankets, if you want) to help insulate them and keep the heat in.

Winter is a great time to prune trees and other plants because there aren’t any leaves, bugs, or birds that get in the way. Not all plants need pruning, so do some research first to know what should be pruned and when.

Another great tip for winter is to group all of your potted plants together. This helps keep them warm by insulating the heat, but it can also protect them from getting blown over in high wind storms.

Sun Exposure
Plant your garden so that it gets northern or eastern sun exposure. This will make it so that temperatures don’t fluctuate as greatly as it would if it were planted with southern exposure. By stabilizing the temperature, your plants are more likely to grow in harsher conditions.

Bring Inside
If possible, bring as many of your potted plants inside as possible (without making your house look like a jungle). This will ensure that no unfortunate freezing happens to your plants and it’s easier for you to take care of them instead of going out into the freezing cold!

Whatever you do, don’t stop watering your plants. They may slow down because of the cold, but they still need water! Keep them hydrated enough to stay alive without giving them excess water that will freeze and destroy the roots.

Burlap Screens
Burlap screens are a great investment if you want to take winter gardening seriously. They mainly provide protection from harsh winds that can bend or destroy young plants. The screens can also protect them from snowfall if you want them to.

In the winter, neighborhood animals will be looking for an extra source of food. Protect your garden from becoming a cat or dog’s next meal by building a fence around it. Make sure there’s no room for animals to squeeze through and eat up your plants!

Mulch will help your plants stay warm and insulated, especially if they’re in the ground and not in pots. Spread the mulch around the stems and replenish as necessary.

Cutting Back Perennials
You’ll need to make sure your perennials are all cut back in order for them to blossom correctly and healthily when spring rolls around. Simply cut off any large or extended pieces so that the plant is as flush with the ground as possible. This will help it avoid being eaten or frozen during winter.

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