If you are looking for shade trees for your yard, these low maintainence trees to grow are just the thing you need!
Northern Red Oak. Offers broad shade, growing at least 60-75 feet wide.
Green Vase Zelkova. Sturdy, narrow but tall shade tree that can withstand less-friendly environments.
European Black Alder. Survives well near water in wet soil.
Cottonless Hybrid Poplar. Grows at an incredible rate of 8 feet per year, reaching about 45’ at maturity. Plant a row of them on the side of the house to cut cooling costs.
Red Maple. Grows about 4’ per year, provides brilliant red display in the autumn as a bonus!
American Sycamore. This gorgeous giant can grow up to 6’ per year and be 70’ tall at maturity, grows well near water or drier areas.
Weeping Willow. Create a fully-enclosed shade haven by planting a weeping willow in your yard, grows anywhere from 3 to 8 feet per year.
Japanese Cedar. Extremely sturdy and disease-resistant, grows quickly, reaching 50’ tall and 10’ wide at maturity.
Tulip Poplar. Grows about 2’ per year, gorgeous yellow spring blossoms, reaching a grand height of 90’ at maturity.
Redbud. An easy-to-please tree, not as large as some other shade trees, grows to be 30’ X 35’, lovely pink flowers in the spring.
Ball-less Sweetgum. Can grow up to 70’ tall and 30’ wide, rounded lobe foliage, gorgeous fall color.
Amur Maple. Beautiful in spring, summer, and winter and a variety of settings, smaller more manageable shade tree at 20’X20’ when mature. This is one of the most gorgeous trees to grow!
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