It’s always a bummer to open your front door and see a dull, drab and yellowing yard in front of you while your neighbors are reveling in lush, green lawns. Don’t have the ugliest yard on the block anymore; follow these tips to make it the greenest lawn on the block!
Mow Higher
Keep your grass longer to keep it greener. Longer blades of grass not only block weeds from getting the sun they need, but it also helps the soil retain moisture.

Water Longer but Less Frequently
The point of watering your lawn is to get it down into the soil to stimulate root growth. The most productive way to do that is watering for longer but less frequently. For example, water your lawn for two hours once a week instead of fifteen minutes a day. This will allow the water to penetrate deep into the soil and make your lawn greener.

Test Your Lawn
It may cost a little bit of money, but if you test your lawn then you will know exactly what to take care of and what to pay attention to. Test multiple nutrient levels of your soil so you can get a well-rounded idea.

Stop Fertilizing So Much
It may sound counterproductive, but fertilizing your yard too much can actually do more harm than good. Fertilize just once in the fall and that’s it. After that, too much fertilizer can make your lawn more susceptible to disease and insect damage as the grass grows too rapidly.

Add Calcium
Your lawn needs calcium in order to stay healthy and green. The best way to get calcium into your lawn is through liming it. This is especially important if you live in a place with acid rain, but adding calcium can green your lawn wherever you live.

Fight Crabgrass
Keep an eye out for crabgrass and stop it before it spreads too far! If you see it start appearing in your lawn, apply an herbicide or natural remedy to kill it off. Crabgrass doesn’t grow well in shade, so you can apply more leniently in those areas of your yard.

Keep Mower Blades Sharp
Dull blades tear up the grass instead of cutting them, harming every piece that you’re trying to help. This damages the lawn and makes it easier to succumb to disease through the broken tips.

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