The best shade flowers for pots on your porch is a great thing for every gardener to know. But I don’t just have a list of the best–today I have a list of the sexiest shade flowers for your porch pots! Using these flowers promises to boost your curb appeal. Check them out!
10 Sexy Shade Flowers For Pots On Your Porch
1. Bleeding Hearts
When it’s sexy shade flowers you want, you can’t go wrong with the attention-getting Bleeding Hearts! The delicate, heart-shaped blooms are quite a conversation starter–if you have them you know. They grow well in pots in the shade, and require consistent watering.
2. Impatiens
These little beauties are a cheery addition to any porch. And as a bonus, Impatiens are very easy to care for. They prefer moist, well-drained soil, and you can crowd a few into one pot to enjoy a lush and full pot of color in no time.
3. Fuchsia
Talk about sexy shade flowers–the Fuchsia is an exotic looking flower that really makes a statement. The blooms are two-toned, fleshy and delicate. For best results in a hot climate, make sure this plant gets full shade and plenty of water.
4. Wishbone Flower
Wishbone flower is a long-lasting shrub-like plant that produces a ton of pretty blooms that only look delicate. They’re actually quite hardy and a great choice for a hot climate. If your porch pots get morning sun and afternoon shade, Wishbone flower will find this ideal!
5. Oxalis
Colors of Oxalis flowers include white, peach, pink, yellow and some two-tone blooms. The flowers of Oxalis open and close throughout the day as the light changes. One of the best things about this plant is that come winter, you can transfer it indoors for a lovely houseplant.
6. Lobelia
There are many varieties of Lobelia, some prefer sun and others do well in shade. The trailing version is a great choice for porch pots! You’ll find them in blue, red, violet and pink shades. Trailing Lobelia is also an excellent choice for window boxes.
7. Hardy Geranium
A perennial favorite among gardeners, the Hardy Geranium makes the list of sexy shade flowers for pots. They are a favorite because they’re adaptable, long blooming, and compact enough to do well in pots. Remove spent blooms and don’t allow the soil to get bone dry in the summer.
8. Coral Bells
Coral Bells thrive in the shade, but they’re very drought-tolerant and do well in the heat of summer. Not only do you get the tall, wispy blooms on this plant, but the foliage also comes in a variety of colors including purple-black, peach, and bright lime green.
9. Coleus
One of the best-known shade plants, Coleus sports distinctive foliage and tiny blooms. New colors and leaf patterns are available all the time, so Coleus is worth a look! Plant in rich, well-draining soil.
10. Begonias
Time for my personal favorite, Begonia. You just can’t beat the profuse, ruffled blooms available in a variety of striking colors. For the best and longest flowering, fertilize often and don’t let the plant get too wet.
Does your porch get full sun? Here are the sun-loving flowers I recommend.
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