There’s nothing worse than settling down in your backyard for a nice, relaxing evening only to be interrupted by the constant buzz and annoyance of mosquitoes! If you’re anything like me, then mosquitoes love your blood and never have mercy when it comes to sucking you dry! Don’t worry anymore about those pesky bugs, try some of these mosquito repelling plants!

20 Mosquito Repelling Plants
Lemon Balm
Not only does this plant repel mosquitoes, but it also gives off a wonderful smell! Lemon balm is also known to help alleviate stress, which is always an added bonus.

This plant is thought of as the “original” bug repelling plant because there is a similarly named ingredient used in many common repellents now a day.

Catnip not only repels mosquitoes but it also keep cockroaches away, which can be a great asset for lots of homeowners! If you have a cat, just make sure to keep this plant away from the others because cats enjoy rolling in it and may destroy other plants.

Other pests are also kept away with marigolds, not just mosquitoes. This plant is also edible and adds a great dimension of color to your garden.

The great thing about lavender is that it can be grown inside and outside. So if you find mosquitoes coming into your home, just keep a pot of lavender near a window and watch it do its work!

Peppermint also has a great smell to invite and relax your guests in the yard. It also can be used to relieve itches if those mosquitoes do end up finding some victims!

Either you can grow basil nearby to ward away mosquitoes, or you can squeeze out its oils and make a spray to take with you wherever you go!

Cadaga Tree
This is a tree, so it takes a little more work than a smaller plant, but it can be a great feature to your yard and has bright colors in the foliage.

Garlic can be used to repel mosquitoes and to add flavor to your food! This is a great choice to get as many uses as possible from the plants in your garden!

The great thing about clove is the pretty color and the interesting shape of the buds! Add some protection and pop to your yard with this plant.

Floss Flower
If you want a variety of colors to choose from, then here’s the plant for you. Floss flower both repels mosquitoes and come in blue, pink, and purple. This is one of my favorite mosquito repelling plants!

This requires quite a bit of work to grow and maintain, but I personally find the smell relaxing.

Pineapple Weed
Yeah, the name may be a turnoff, but it has a great smell and is supposedly great for salads!

Pitcher Plant
This plant is cool because it doesn’t technically repel mosquitoes but eats them! It’s also a fun shape so it can be a great addition to your garden.

Rosemary is great by itself for repelling mosquitoes, or you can extract its oils and put it into lotions to make some fresh-smelling repellent on the go!

Snowbrush is effective in repelling mosquitoes, but it is considered a weed in many areas. However, if you like it then grow it!

Sweet Fern
Sweet Fern is especially effective in repelling mosquitoes when it is burned in a fire. If you often have gatherings around the campfire, then consider growing some sweet fern to help keep the mosquitoes away!

This plant is very colorful, so it’s a great addition to your yard. Its oil also has many health benefits like increasing blood flow.

Tea Tree
Tea Trees repel mosquitoes but their oils can also be used to sooth irritations caused by mosquitoes or other outdoor factors.

Vanilla Leaf
This plant is a great choice because it has an interesting shape and is also effective in keeping away mosquitoes!

If you’re looking for a list of pest proof plants, we’ve got you covered! Which one of these mosquito repelling plants will you use in your yard?
How can I order these plants into my country Nigeria
There are a lot of catalogs here in U.S. that offer plants and seeds. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is White Flower Farm in Connecticut. Perhaps you can create some sort of exchange with them. ( they are a bit pricey however they have quality plants ) . I will search and return with other providers. I use marigolds, lemon balm, basil, rosemary, lavender and mint regularly. I do notice the effectiveness.
I’m so suprised I’ve never seen a request for these plants for your country before. Hope I can help !
The biggest problem we find in some of the countries in Africa is where do you get their seeds so we can grow .
It would also be wonderful if people who know about these plant share the way we can establish small business where we can help other people to grow these so it helps many people to get rid of mosquitos and eventually malaria
Some videos of how to start from the beginning would also help
Hi Clementuo,
If you can’t get plants imported into Nigeria, you probably CAN get seeds. Seeds are usually able to be imported without any trouble or the huge expense that bringing plants in… then hoping they survive the quarantine process.
Best of luck!! : ) Sherry
great info am going to try some of these
Awesome idea! Best of luck to you.?
Just a fair warning- Tansy is an invasive species and is toxic to horses and cattle. It does not affect goats, in fact they love it. Horses and cattle build it up in their system over a short period and eventually die from it’s poison. They will not eat it if they are well fed, but there of course is always an exception to this. I’ve seen horses die from this- my husband used to be a farrier- and it is a horrible death. It grows literally like a weed. Please be careful where you plant this!!
Pitcher plant grows wild in an area in N.W. FL. and it’s beautiful but it stinks REALLY REALLY BAD much like a rotting animal.