If you’ve ever been disappointed in how quickly your lawn greened up in the spring, you might have wondered if you prepared it well in the fall, before the winter cold hit it hard. If you want the greenest, thickest lawn in the neighborhood next spring, here are the steps you need to take this fall.
1. Fall Fertilizer
If you want a great lawn, you need to start with strong roots. In the fall, your grass should be allowed to put most of its energy into growing roots, rather than the grass above the ground. You can help it along with a good fall fertilizer with a NPK ratio 28-3-6. That’s a good high-nitrogen mix that will promote healthy roots over the winter.

2. Remove Thatch
Power raking is a great way to remove any thatch in your lawn that hinders nutrients, moisture, and healthy spring growth. Do this in the fall for a more robust lawn when spring comes.

3. Re-seed Bare Spots
After you’ve aerated and power raked, it’s time to re-seed any bare spots. Fall is the best time to do this, when temperatures have started to drop. Talk to an expert about what type of seed to use on your lawn.

4. Control Weeds
In the fall, apply a good broadleaf weed and feed, such as Scotts Turf Builder. You’ll also want to treat individual weeds with a lawn-safe herbicide. Weed prevention in fall means fewer weeds in spring, they’ll be harder to get rid of then!

5. Aerate
Aerating your lawn, whether you hire a professional or do it yourself with a rented machine, creates “pockets” for oxygen, water, and nutrients. This allows these essentials to enter deeply into the soil, feeding your lawn over the winter. Just be sure to remove the plugs aerating creates, so they don’t hamper your results.

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