If you’ve ever been disappointed in how quickly your lawn greened up in the spring, you might have wondered if you prepared it well in the fall, before the winter cold hit it hard. If you want the greenest, thickest lawn in the neighborhood next spring, here are the steps you need to take this […]
Landscaping TIps
Repair Your Lawn With These Tips and Tricks
We all want to have the greenest, thickest lawn on the block. But summer heat, insects, and everyday abuse can really take its toll. You may end up with brown spots, thinning grass, and places where the grass has totally disappeared. You can only water and fertilize so much to try and compensate for that, and […]
Easy Tricks That Create MORE Outdoor Space
It’s that time of year again! That season where we start planning barbecues, picnics, and general “hanging out” in the outdoors. But what if your outdoor space is lacking? Does your small patio, deck, or backyard put a damper on your plans? Here are some simple, helpful tips for maximizing any tiny outdoor living area. 1. […]