If you have any little outdoor space at all, even just a balcony or a fire escape, you can plant a garden. Granted, it may not be a huge garden, but it’ll be a garden nonetheless. Today I’ll show you how apartment gardening really is possible.

Apartment Gardening: Balcony
- You may have more space than you think. Consider the vertical space you may have, or that you can easily create. Line a balcony with a privacy wall lined with shelves for potted plants.
- A small table on a balcony is the perfect spot to hold an assortment of potted herbs that you can use in your cooking.
- Find a pallet or two to create space against a wall for some flowers or herbs to grow.
Apartment Gardening: Vegetables
- All kinds of vegetables will grow well in pots on a balcony or in a sunny window. Consider planting a salsa garden with tomatoes, peppers, and onions.
- For a fun and colorful apartment garden, paint some wood crates in bright colors. Turn them on their sides to create vertical space for your garden plants.
- Hanging pots are another easy way to have an apartment garden. Fit them into a balcony space, or hang them in a sunny window. Strawberries love a hanging pot!
Whatever you do, have fun with your apartment gardening ideas. If something fails one year, don’t be afraid to learn from it and try again the next. Ask your landlord if a roof garden area might be possible. Make your apartment garden the talk of the town. Go all out! Who knows, you might just inspire your neighbor to start apartment gardening as well. And for when the weather begins to turn, here are things to help you enjoy your patio when it’s chilly.
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