Carrots are a great crop for your garden. Not only are fresh carrots absolutely delicious, but they’re also easy to grow and easy to keep fresh. In fact, you can easily keep your garden carrots fresh all winter long, so you can enjoy them for months after harvesting. Want to know how?
1. Remove the Greens
After picking your carrots, it’s important to cut off the leafy tops. Why? Because those greens will actually suck moisture from the carrot, resulting in dried out, cracked carrots. Who wants to eat that? So cut off the leafy part, but you can leave a little piece of stem attached so you aren’t actually cutting the carrot’s flesh. Just get as close as you can without damaging the carrot itself.
2. Prep Small Batches for Freshness
For smaller carrot harvests, after cutting of the greens you can place your unwashed (let’s repeat that…unwashed) carrots in zippered plastic bags. Push all the air out that you can, and ensure a tight seal. Store your carrots in the coldest area of your refrigerator. Some people insert a couple of paper towels to absorb extra moisture, but keep an eye out for excess moisture or dryness either way. If you want to store some in your refrigerator and preserve a larger portion another way, keep reading.
3. Store Larger Harvests for Winter
For larger quantities of carrots, take you unwashed harvest and simply brush off the excess dirt. Again, cut off the green parts as close as you can without cutting the carrot. Grab some boxes or buckets and place your carrots in sand (you read that right) that’s just slightly damp. Alternate layers of carrots and sand, and cover the top layer with sand. Keep your carrot boxes in a cool place, like your shed or garage, and simply wash and use as needed. If you keep them too wet, they’ll go bad. If they’re too dry, they will harden, split, and do you very little good. Getting the right moisture balance may require a bit of trial and error, so check on your carrots regularly.
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