You may not know this, but humans aren’t the only ones who love their coffee. Plants, soil, and even worms love a nice, warm serving of coffee, but they’re usually okay with just spent coffee grounds. Coffee grounds in the garden has numerous benefits and advantages, and here are just a few of them! Tip: Starbucks coffee will give away their leftover coffee grounds to those who ask for them! Free of charge, of course!
Coffee Grounds In The Garden
Coffee grounds are great in compost piles because they help the food items decompose faster than normal. However, make sure that your coffee grounds don’t exceed 25% of the total compost or else the acidity can cause problems.

Benefits of Using Coffee Grounds in The Garden
Soil Enhancer
Take coffee grounds and sprinkle a thin layer around your plants. Make sure to do this before you water or before it rains. That way the water will seep down and take the nitrogen from the coffee grounds into the soil.

Mix coffee grounds in the garden with either wood chips or saw dust and make your own mulch. The coffee grounds help regulate the mulch’s moisture so it doesn’t get too dry. It also keeps the mulch aerated, maximizing its usage.

Dry Fertilizer
Take your coffee grounds and spread them out on sheets of newspaper. Let the grounds dry and then store them in a bag. Use your dried coffee grounds as a nitrogen-rich fertilizer within three weeks.

Wet Fertilizer
Mix ½ lb. of coffee grounds in 5 gallons of water. Let the mixture sit for a day and then pour it onto your plants that are in need of some more nutrients.

Some gardeners believe that the smell of coffee grounds and its makeup help keep insects and damaging pests away. Sprinkle coffee grounds around your plants and garden and keep those pests that like chewing on your fruits and veggies out!

Foliar Spray
Soak coffee grounds in water and use the mixture as a spray for your plants. Make sure to spray the whole plant, and don’t forget the underside of the leaves. The coffee grounds add nutrients to the water that can help boost the strength of your plants.

Fungus Prevention
Coffee grounds have been known to keep plants strong and healthy, even enough to ward off fungal infection. Put the coffee grounds around the stem and base of your plants to prevent them from catching any fungi.

Worm Bin
Although it may be gross, worm bins are a great way to get essential nutrients into the soil of your plants. And worms LOVE a serving of coffee grounds. So add some to your worm bin and watch the nutrients come piling into your soil!

Ward off Animals
Many animals (especially cats and dogs) don’t like the smell of coffee grounds, which is great if you have an unwanted visitor traipsing through your garden. Simply spread coffee grounds wherever the animal likes to make itself and home and you should stop seeing the pesky guest soon enough!

This is exciting am really looking forward to using this knowledge
Much thanks for the grate and helpful read.
Very Helpful. Thank you for posting.
Great post, lots of ideas for something that is normally thrown away.
Very helpful information . Thank you .
Thank you, always looking for ways to keep cats and dogs away from flower beds.
Looking forward to trying the ground coffee on my garden will be our first experience
Pets are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine than people are. While 1-2 laps of coffee, tea or soda will not contain enough caffeine to cause poisoning in most pets, the ingestion of moderate amounts of coffee grounds, tea bags or 1-2 diet pills can easily cause death in small dogs or cats.
Are all suggestions for used coffee grounds only, or can old beans be ground and used???
I don’t see why not!
Thank you for sharing these. I love being able to add my used coffee grounds to my compost each day and I have noticed that it helps the other ingredients compost faster. I am looking forward to adding that rich soil to my garden in the spring.
can I put coffee grounds on my lawn,if I mix it in water , and spray it on my lawn
Yes! It’s a great fertilizer! Make sure you mix it right. I’ve read that half a pound of grounds and 5 gallons of water is a good mixture.
After boiling we are add sugar before drinking means the used coffee contains sugar this is suitable for the garden please reply
So you are adding sugar to the grounds?
I live on a lake, and I have ducks that come into my yard, they go into my plants. Will coffee keep the ducks away from my plants? Please someone reply.