There’s no point in planting, cultivating, and taking care of a beautiful backyard and garden if it’s just going to get covered with tools, bikes, toys, and so much more! Don’t let all your hard work go to waste under piles of unorganized objects; Use these ten […]
Container Gardening
12 Composting Tips You Should Know
Want to make better and healthier soil for your plants and garden but don’t know how? Lots of people spend large sums of money to buy top-notch soil and state-of-the-art gardening equipment, but that’s not necessary at all! Here are 12 easy composting tips that everyone should know about! Cardboard Not only is cardboard a […]
10 Container Gardening Ideas
Not all of us have an enormous yard or expansive patio where we can garden and decorate with beautiful flowers and plants. The lack of space can often be discouraging, but don’t give up! All you need to make these 10 container gardens are simple items, some soil, a few pretty flowers, and a little […]
Creative Ways to Use Wine Barrels in Your Yard
It seems like everyone and their dog has a wine barrel flowerpot, but what other uses do wine barrels have? Here are some creative ways that you can use wine barrels in your yard! Dog Bed Dogs love to sleep, so why not give them a nice place that they’ll love! Surprisingly, wine barrels […]
10 Bugs You Should LOVE in Your Garden
Before you yell “Ew!” and run away, give some bugs a second look! These 10 bugs are good for your greens, also known as “beneficials,” and can be used in place of harmful pesticides. Check out this list of your greatest allies in the garden: 1. Damsel Bugs eat pests like aphids, caterpillars, leafhoppers, and thrips. […]
The 5 Easiest Herbs to Grow
#1 Basil These tips and more from Bonnie Plants Tips for growing: Basil prefers moist but well-drained soil and needs 6-8 hours of sunlight per day, but try to avoid too much direct light. Grows well in pots and can be grown inside. Suggestions for use: In pesto and Italian pasta sauce, Thai sauces, on sliced […]