Must Know Plant Care Tips: Spider mites and aphids can be a problem with butterfly rose, just as other varieties of rose bushes.Occasionally, mild black spot can affect the plant. Otherwise, butterfly rose is fairly resistant to disease and insect infestation. Plant Problem Solver: You can blast away spider mites and aphids with your hose […]
Plant Encyclopedia
Plant Encyclopedia: Water Lily
Must Know Plant Care Tips: Generally speaking, the more sunlight your water lilies get, the more they will bloom and flourish. Tropical water lilies would be planted in pots that are at least 10″ around. Use a 10 to 14 inch fabric pot will be required for each plant. Fill it about half full […]
Plant Encyclopedia: Lily of the Valley
Must Know Plant Care Tips: When planting lily of the valley, do so in late fall. Th colder winter months are needed to give the plant an ample dormant period before springtime. When propagating, the underground rhizomes or “pips” can be divided any time after flowering is finished, such as in November or […]
Plant Encylopedia: Russian Sage
Must Know Plant Care Tips: Provide a very dry location for Russian sage. You may see your plants sprawl if you grow them in shady locations. You should plant new Russian sage in early spring, leaving 2 to 3 feet of space between each plant. Water them occasionally until well established. You can apply […]
Plant Encyclopedia: Ajuga
Must Know Plant Care Tips: Ajuga is a low-maintenance plant. It grows vigorously by sending out plenty of horizontal roots, or stolons, that grow outward from the main plant. Each one will take root and form another crown, making a nice little colony. The leaves are short and close together, and the stolons grow […]
Plant Encyclopedia: Licorice Plant
Must Know Plant Care Tips: Licorice can be grown either in the ground or in containers. Either way, you’ll need well-drained and loose soil that is free of rocks. Make sure the hole you plant in is nice and deep. Add compost and sand to clay-like soil. If planting in a container, choose […]
Plant Encyclopedia: Blazing Star
Must Know Plant Care Tips: Blazing star actually wants to be planted in poor soil. As long as you have good drainage, you should be good to go. Avoid overly fertile soil, as the plant growth may become too soft and unable to stand upright. Planting in full sun will help ensure a […]
Plant Encyclopedia: Lady’s Mantle
Must Know Plant Care Tips: Lady’s mantle is easy to grow from seed, plants, or division. Sow seeds outdoors in early spring or in autumn, or indoors 6 to 8 weeks prior to last frost. Keep them moist and move them outside at about 4 inches tall. Space your transplants about 12 […]
Plant Encylopedia: Potentilla
Must Know Plant Care Tips: Purchase potentilla from your local nursery and plant in the spring to early fall. It requires well-drained soil, preferably amended with quality compost. Space your plants 3 to 6 feet apart. When newly planted, water and mulch your plants well. Use fertilizer in spring for the best flowering. Prune […]
Plant Encylopedia: Fuchsia
Must Know Plant Care Tips: Many types of fuchsia will stop producing flowers if they get too much heat. To help keep constant blooms, pinch away the spent flowers to encourage new blooms. Some types are semi-trailing, making them good for hanging baskets or containers. In tropical climates, you may overwinter your […]