Gardening time is upon us, so it’s time to update our readers on the Proven Winners’ new varieties for 2019. Experienced gardeners know that Proven Winners’ varieties are prized for their quality. If you’re a new gardener, get ready to learn more about Proven Winners. Then check out our post to learn 6 of the […]
Plant Encyclopedia: Dianthus
Dianthus barbatus is also known as Dianthus and Sweet William. Some gardeners know them as “pinks.” They are part of the carnation family, and produce a surprisingly spicy scent with faint notes of cinnamon or cloves. There are several varieties of the flowers available, and they include both annuals and perennials. Sunlight Needs: Dianthus can […]
Plant Encylopedia: Fuchsia
Must Know Plant Care Tips: Many types of fuchsia will stop producing flowers if they get too much heat. To help keep constant blooms, pinch away the spent flowers to encourage new blooms. Some types are semi-trailing, making them good for hanging baskets or containers. In tropical climates, you may overwinter your […]
15 Plants That Give You the Most Bang for Your Buck
Let’s be honest, while gardening can be a great hobby, it can also be expensive sometimes. When it comes to buying seeds and bulbs, starting up a plant, getting planters and fertilizer, and so many more things, it can all really add up. And being cheap and stingy on gardening supplies never works well, either. […]
12 Gorgeous Hanging Planter Ideas
With limited space but a desire to have plants and flowers, it can be difficult to find creative ways to get what you want without making things crowded and uncomfortable. Hanging planters have begun to come back in style and they’re a great option for people with a green thumb and little room to grow […]