Everyone needs house numbers on the front of their home–it’s a real safety issue. But are you seeing the fun possibilities for a gardener? I’m talking about house number planters you can use to show off your house number and your green thumb, all in one fell swoop! Check out these amazing planters you […]
Planting Calendar: Schedule Yours Today
It may be January, but it’s time to schedule your planting calendar. Have you used one before? If you have, you know how beneficial they are for gardeners. If you haven’t, keep reading to learn more about them. Using such a calendar can help you achieve the best garden yet! What is a planting […]
If You Build It They Will Grow: DIY Garden Boxes
Maybe you’re already taking advantage of DIY garden boxes, but if not, you should think about it. A garden that is laid out in sections and raised up is easier to plant, weed, and harvest than a garden laid out at ground level. Here is a look at the benefits of DIY garden boxes and […]
Budget-Friendly Ideas to Spruce Up Your Garden
Gardening on a budget is completely possible. One of the reasons many people start a vegetable garden is to save money growing their own fruit and vegetables. So budget-friendly ideas for gardening are ideas that we can all get behind. And if you have a yard to spruce up, this post will give you some […]
Container Gardening: Pretty in Pink
Container gardening is an awesome way to garden, but in a more manageable space. If you live in an apartment or don’t have gardening space, container gardening is the way to go. Today we are going to focus on pink flowers for container gardens. Pink flowers are popular because of the variety you can find, […]
Cold Frame Gardening: A HOT Trend
In its most basic form, a cold frame is a structure that helps you use the heat of the sun to create a warm microclimate in a winter garden. It’s a hot trend precisely because it makes it possible to grow and enjoy certain types of vegetables during the winter months. Let’s talk about cold […]
10 Gorgeous Crevice Garden Ideas
Are you in need of some new crevice garden ideas? You probably know what I’m talking about, and you probably even have one! A crevice garden is a small (or large) space in between decorative rocks throughout your yard. If you have a sloped yard, you probably have tons of places to […]
How to Grow a Green Thumb … It is Possible
Even if you think you were born with two brown thumbs, it is possible to change it. Contrary to popular belief, a green thumb isn’t just a special talent reserved for a few special people. Did you know that with a little hard work and some patience, you can develop a green thumb of your […]
Gardening Guide: Beets
Growing beets is a great idea, any way you slice it. Fresh, roasted, pickled, steamed, or canned, they add a lot to your garden and to your cooking. Grow Zone Recommendation: Growing beets is recommended in USDA zones 8 to 10. The warm climate means you can plant more beets from seed every […]
Gardening Guide: Cabbage
Must Know Plant Care Tips: Once a head of cabbage is of a good size and firm when squeezed, use a sharp knife to cut it off close to the ground. If you put off harvesting too long, the head may split. After harvesting the head, let the stub grow back and it may […]