We usually have a pretty good idea on what we want to do with our front yard or back yard, but what about the side yard? All too often, we end up neglecting it or simply putting in grass or gravel. But if you’re willing to put in a little work, you can actually turn […]
Tomatoes Not Turning Red? Here’s Why
You know the feeling — you plant your favorite type of tomato plants, then water and wait. And wait. And wait. For some unknown reason, your tomatoes grow and look fabulous…but stay fabulously green. If you’re tired of being patient and you’re ready for those tomatoes to ripen on the vine, here’s what you can […]
How to Grow Fritillaries
Some of the first bulbs to bloom in spring, fritillaries really make a statement. Their huge, hanging, bell-shaped blooms grow in sunny or partial shade. Unlike most bulbs, fritillaries also do well in heavy, sandy, or loamy soils as long as they have adequate moisture. While these flowers are gorgeous, they are said to have […]
Easy Ways to Organize Your Garden Shed
If you’re a serious gardener or just love having the best yard in the neighborhood, hopefully you’re lucky enough to have a garden shed. If so, you know how messy a shed can become. After all, when you finally pack it in for the day, you’re tired and ready for a nice, long shower — not really […]
How to Grow Bell Peppers in Pots
Nothing says summer like sweet bell peppers. On a salad, on the grill, or just sliced up and dipped — they’re a delicious part of the warmer weather. Even if you don’t have garden space, you can grow prolific peppers by planting them in pots (say that 5 times fast!). It’s easy! Here’s how: 1. […]
Put These Items on Your Fall Gardening To-Do List
As the weather warms up in the spring, our thoughts turn to gardening. But all too often, we realize there was a list of things we should have done in the fall to prepare for it. Here are a few things you should put on this fall’s gardening to-do list. 1. Clean-Up Many diseases and […]
5 Ways to Use Old Milk Jugs {In Your Garden}
If you’re anything like me, when you empty a jug of milk, you hesitate to throw it right in the trash. They take up a lot of room, and that jug might be useful for something else, right? But in the end, I always usually end up throwing them out. Well, instead of just tossing […]
Grow the Most Incredible Alliums
If you love to grow flowers in your yard, chances are you’ve seen alliums. Even if you don’t know the name, you’ll probably recognize this gorgeous, show-stoping bulb. Some varieties boast huge, 6-inch mounds of colorful blooms on a single stalk. And if you have trouble with animals eating your flowers, most of them won’t touch these. […]
How to Grow the Best Root Veggies
For a delicious and abundant fall harvest, there is nothing better than root vegetables. Since growing them successfully requires a different technique than other garden plants, let’s go over some important tips for growing root veggies yourself. 1. Choose a Location If your garden has well-drained soil that is slightly acidic and has some quality […]
Grow English Roses: Here’s How!
There’s nothing like an English rose garden to bring lavish sights and smells to your yard. However, they do require a bit of special care to grow successfully. If you want to grow what many describe as the “perfect rose,” here’s how: 1. Buying English Roses Most local nurseries carry or can get English roses for […]