Rain barrels serve so many purposes for your yard! They’re environmentally friendly, they save you money, and they help keep a fresh storage of water for you to use in your garden, and so much more. So, instead of going out and buying one, here’s how you can make your own with some helpful tips […]
12 Ways to “Spring” Up Your Front Porch
Adding a sign to your porch os the best way to bring in the spring spirit to your home! It can be a small one above some flowers, or a big wooden one that you hang up. Just use whatever you think would be best! Flowers are a perfect way to bring the spring vibe […]
How to Plant Potatoes
The first thing you need to do is prepare the potatoes for planting. When you’re a week away from planting, put the potatoes in a warm spot of sun. Let the sprouts grow to about 1/4” to ½” inches long. Before you plant, cut the large seed potatoes into chunks that are about 2” wide […]
12 Ways to Recycle Coffee Grounds
Coffee grounds are great to use outdoors! You can put them in your compost pile or add them to flower beds. This is great for plants and flowers that like acid. Just be careful if you have a dog, because coffee grounds can be harmful to them. You can also sprinkle coffee grounds into your […]
10 Reasons You Should Be Using Raw Honey (And Where To Buy It!)
Raw honey (not commercial honey that is sold in most stores) is full of nutrients and enzymes that are great for your body. If you can, buy local honey because it contains local pollen that can help you build up an allergy resistance to it. Do some research and buy local; some places even sell […]
20 Potted Succulents That Make Beautiful Valentine’s Day Gifts
Take an old Mason jar and use it to make a super cute succulent Valentine’s Day gift! It pulls together a great rustic feel for the home! If you have an old book sitting around, then you can use that as a succulent holder! Just carve out the inside, and you have a beautiful Valentines […]
15 Outdoor Pallet Projects
One of the best outdoor projects to do with a pallet is to make a garden path. Just take the slats and use them as steps in the path! If you don’t have one already, then use pallets to make a potting bench. This allows you to organize and easily access all of your gardening […]
14 Crazy Cool Vertical Gardening Ideas
A super great way to get a vertical gardening arrangement in your home as well as a decoration is by using a monogram! Just make a wooden cutout of the first letter of your last name and then fill it with plants and flowers! Gather all your old but colorful shoes and turn them into […]
15 Winter Floral Arrangements That Will Leave You Speechless
When you talk about winter floral arrangements, you can’t forget about a classic wreath! There are so many options, designs, and ideas, and you can hang these arrangements up anywhere they look good. Use a cube this winter to get a great effect for your winter floral arrangement. I like using a cube that adds […]
10 House Plants That Will Purify the Air in Your Home
Aloe Vera. Not only can you use the oils from this plant to help with sunburns and itchy skin, but it also filters out chemicals from the air! Just keep it in the bedroom or living room for best effect! Spider Plant. Although I hate the name of this plant (and the bug that it’s […]