We may be in the heat of August, but don’t forget that fall is coming soon. To help you have the optimal fall gardening experience, I’m sharing my fall gardening checklist right here. Bookmark this page so you can come back and refer to it during September and October. It’ll help you stay ahead of […]
Garden Cleanup Tips: Time To Make Your Bed For Fall
When fall comes around, the garden gets ready to go to sleep for the winter. And if you want to help ensure the best possible outcome for next year’s garden, you have to make your bed for fall. In other words, it’s time to prep those garden beds! Making your real bed every morning might […]
Best Cold-Hardy Crops for Winter
It’s hard to pack away the gardening tools and let your yard grow still for the coming cold season. While you’ll have to cut back on lots of outdoor projects when fall and winter roll around, you can still grow some crops in your garden. Here are just a few cold-hardy veggies that are great […]
Top 5 Fall Gardening Tips
Some people believe that gardening stops in the fall, but that’s a myth! Let’s dispel the myth with the top 5 fall gardening tips to help you get the most from your fall garden. Not only will you learn how you can maximize your gardening pleasure by gardening in the fall, but you’ll also see […]
How to Care for Your Lawn in the Fall for Maximum Spring Growth
If you’ve ever been disappointed in how quickly your lawn greened up in the spring, you might have wondered if you prepared it well in the fall, before the winter cold hit it hard. If you want the greenest, thickest lawn in the neighborhood next spring, here are the steps you need to take this […]
Top 10 Shrubs With Fall Berries To Add To Your Front Yard
Does your front yard have enough going on to keep your interest–even in the fall and winter? If you’ve been settling for bare branches and withering perennials, you need to know about the top 10 shrubs with fall berries to add to your front yard! While other plants are winding down for the year, shrubs […]
How To Kill Ants Naturally With Only One Ingredient
Summer is one of the best times of the year. But with summer comes an obnoxious amount of household pests–especially ants. Let’s face it, nothing kills a mood quite like opening the sugar container only to see a group of ants helping themselves! The good news is that you can conquer those ants before they […]
10 Cheap Ways to Update Your Lawn Edging
Edging can add a clean, manicured look to your lawn and garden. Unfortunately, the materials can get pretty pricey — especially when you need a lot of it. To help you improve the look of your garden on a budget, here are 10 inexpensive ways to give your lawn edging an update. 1. Cinder Block […]
Tips For How to Revive Wilted Hydrangeas
Every hydrangea-loving gardener should know how to revive wilted hydrangeas. Because in spite of our best efforts, the heat can sometimes get to them. Here’s how to get them looking good again! How to Revive Wilted Hydrangeas Have you ever gone out to look at your hydrangeas, only to wonder what happened to them? It’s […]
20 Veggies for Fall Gardening
Lettuce is a relatively fast growing vegetable and grows well, even in the colder weather of fall. In fact, cold weather can make it super crisp! Swiss chard requires a bit more attention than other vegetables, but it’s a great plant for fall. Begin growing them inside 10 weeks before the first frost and, after […]